
Enjoy an epic fantasy TEXT RPG that engages your imagination. Play right in your browser. Start your adventures today.

Total ratings

3.68 (Rating count: 68)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Great writing and storytelling
  • Large amount of content (3.75 million words, 35,000 sections)
  • Accessible to blind users
  • Engaging gameplay and character development
  • Good old-school RPG feel reminiscent of Dungeons & Dragons
  • Limited free-to-play content (only a trial period)
  • Account deletion after trial if not upgraded
  • Gameplay heavily incentivizes real-money purchases to access content
  • Combat and progression mechanics are simple and lack depth
  • Technical issues with logging in and support options
Most mentioned
  • Game requires a paid membership to access most content
  • Good writing and vast game world
  • Limited fun for free players due to restrictions
  • Technical issues with account management and support
  • Pay-to-win concerns with in-game purchases
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.60
All time rating average: 3.68
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Thomas Slater
en This game say some of the best writing I've seen, got just in game but Period. The overwhelming majority of which is not tied behind timers, grinding or waiting on other people. This game is huge (3.75 million words/ 35 000 game sections) and is constantly being added to. This game is just about the only fully fledged game that is completely assessible to the blind and is the work of just guy as a full time job. After the account upgrade you can play through every quest without spending any money, this confirmed by this deliberate sub optimal playthrough I did So It is more pay to boast then pay to win (whatever that means a never ending game with no PVP) Also time crab is coming.
Alauna Stults
en I loved this game. it was fantastic. I took a break for a while, then when i tried to get back in, it told me that my login was invalid. And this was the login i had saved to my browser, Not only that, but when i tried to reset m password, it told me that the email address, that i litterly have emails from them on, was not valid. I'm sorry for giving a bad review if this technical difficulty was some fault of my own, but the have no kind help page or support forum. Anyways, its a great game that i loved, but if you're going to play it, keep track of your info i guess.
en Very fun, would definitely recommend. Lack of visuals are dissapointing.
Robert B
en This doesn't look bad, but the combat was too simple. I can't see myself spending money for a text game. I'm too broke!
Gabren Williams
en The free play is only a trial. It's a great game, but not worth the time if you're not planning on spending twenty-some odd dollars to continue.
Adrianne Seymour
en I did not realize that the free to play segment was only a trial period and that my account would be deleted after a certain amount of time. I like the game play, but not enough to pay 20$. I wish it had been more clear in the beginning that it was only a trial.... I honestly wouldn't have put time into playing if I had known!
en i just love it
Guy Renaud
en I played the free to play segment of this game and loved it so much I bought it! Well worth the purchase, hours of game play and character development!
First Last
en Game is quite mature, has a nice storyline mechanism, and a very good wiki. Starting a new adventurer? Read the wiki first, it offers invaluable clues towards selecting key characteristics of a most powerful adventurer. How much real world money have I spent? $7.95 for the lowest possible adventurer mode which can access the guild. If that is all I ever spend of real world $, and I'm presently at 1.75 months of game activity, it is well worth it. The game is just so well developed! Give it a try!
Miodrag Zizovic
en Game is pay to win, and it is expensive one! Starting town is very rich in quests and encounters, but after player cleans first area there is not much left to do if you dont buy game. And even if you do, there is ingame currency that is really expensive.
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