Tiki-Toki Timeline Software

Create beautiful interactive timelines that you can share on the web

Total ratings

2.41 (Rating count: 44)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Allows for the creation of timelines
  • Issues creating accounts and timelines
  • Lack of helpful instructions or help guide
  • Limited customization
  • Poor functionality
Most mentioned
  • Issues with creating a timeline
  • Confusing interface
  • Poor help guide
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.70
All time rating average: 2.41
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43% (6)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Pedro Lecaros
es Esta bien uno puede hacer muchas cosas pero les falta material
J. Ray Sparks
en Nice idea but it barely worked at all for me. Seems to be underdeveloped and badly maintained.
en As other users have posted I went through with signing up and once I tried to make my first timeline nothing happened. Definitely a huge waste of time. I'd give ot 0 stars if I could.
J Coleman
en could be a lot better
Keisha Martin
en Same review as others I am trying to create timelines and it won't let me or use other dates.Not a good app.
en it wont make a time line when i make a account and every thing
Harry Williams
en totally incomprehensible. The help doesn't make sense. Even my dog hates it
Bradley Roach
en unable to create my first timeline using a free account. I fill out the information it is requesting and when I hit SUBMIT nothing happens. I have logged out and back in several times but it just does the same thing. Waste of time.
Shona Ingram
en Very confusing. Can't figure out how to even make markers.
Germain Cassé
fr Le mot de passe qu'on doit entrer à l'inscription est visible, ce qui est plutôt gênant, et la personnalisation est très limitée.
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