Miro: Whiteboard for Collaboration

Visual project management tool. Develop your ideas and projects with online whiteboard.

Total ratings

4.00 (Rating count: 625)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Intuitive, robust, well designed.
  • Useful online collaboration tool with various features.
  • Good for organizing projects or team tasks.
  • Issues with Google account integration and synchronization.
  • App crashes or installation problems reported.
  • Lack of trusted verification by Google.
Most mentioned
  • Problems with Google Sign In and Google Drive integration.
  • App crashes during installation.
  • Concerns over app permissions and security.
See reviews for Miro: Whiteboard for Collaboration on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.40
All time rating average: 4.00
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Rating filters

5 star
46% (50)
4 star
21% (23)
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4% (4)
2 star
6% (7)
1 star
23% (25)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Irfan Baig
en Keep recommending this extension to copy paste objects
Eunju Joung
ko 온라인 협업 도구로 매우 유용합니다. 다양한 기능들이 있어 다채롭게 사용할 수 있네요. 한국어 버젼이 있으면 많은 사람들과 공유하기 편할텐데 아쉽습니다.
wenjun shi
zh 为什么注册失败???注册不进去
Khalil Zoreno
en I thought this was for planning, writing notes etc. Trying to remove it but I can't Awful app
Sayuro Kin
en Google Sign In disabled...
Александр Леонов
ru Вход с аккаунтом Google временно заблокирован для этого приложения В приложение нельзя войти, используя аккаунт Google, так как оно ещё не прошло нашу проверку.
zh 很优秀的敏捷精益项目协作工具。超赞。
Huy Nguyễn
en great
Kouji Ishikawa
ja google で安全性を確認していないらしいので、しばらく様子見。モノは悪くないと思うのだけど。
K Sisco
en Was warned that it might not be a trusted app by Google, but I proceeded anyway. Then when I tried to create a board, it sent me to a page saying that there was a problem with my google drive. Now I've shared my info with a company that didn't come through on it's service. Slightly concerned
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