The Poker Timer

The Poker Timer

Total ratings

4.05 (Rating count: 21)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Basic poker tournament functionality for unlimited players
  • Ability to display timer in multiple rooms through HDMI and Chromecast
  • Well designed and flexible
  • Easy to use
  • Good value for poker lovers who can afford the premium version
  • Limited features in the free version
  • Most features require premium purchase
  • Confusing interface with issues launching games
  • Not suitable for casual users without upgrading
Most mentioned
  • Need for better interface and additional features
  • Premium version required for important functionalities
  • User friendliness and accessibility issues
  • Overall effectiveness for managing poker tournaments
See reviews for The Poker Timer on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.70
All time rating average: 4.05

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Riley Quinn
en Does basic job of Poker tournament with unlimited players. There are better timers out there on phone apps but purchased because I was able to have the timer displayed in different rooms by connected an HDMI to one TV and then mirroring my desktop to a chromecast in the other room. I would give it a higher rating if.. - A better interface that can display chip colors/values, avg chip count, and other statistics - Feature to count how many chips you have of each color so you can know how many you need for your tournament. - Table assignments and movement during tournament play
J.L. Beeler
en Useless unless you plan to buy premium version. Everything you click on says only available with purchase. Three caned tournaments you can't modify or add to.
Seth Turner
en Dont understand, says press ok when ready to play..does not launch to game..EVER!
Richard Sibley
en Really good app just wished I could play Poker better to afford the premium version. Must have app for all poker lovers.
David Chapman
en Well designed and flexible
Edward Jackman
en Bait and switch. Useless without upgrading.
Wendy Collins
en Brilliant. Easy to use and works how I need it to.
tomasz lipowicz
en The best poker timer on the market. Try it!
Anthony Collins
en Love it, have upgraded to the premium version. Would like table balancing to be added at some point.
David Adam
en best poker night management tool out there!