HTMaiL: Insert HTML into Gmail, Outlook and Yahoo Mail

Edit and easily insert HTML code into the body of your email message in Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo Mail.

Total ratings

4.17 (Rating count: 41)

Review summary

  • Works great for Gmail and Outlook when it functions properly
  • Simple and intuitive to use
  • Highly beneficial as an alternative to older workarounds
  • Directly addresses the need for embedding HTML in emails
  • Frequently stops working or does not display the embed icon
  • Gmail issues with blocked content when using Canva
  • Recent updates have removed or hidden essential features
  • Reliant on the extension being enabled, which sometimes fails
Most mentioned
  • Not displaying the embed icon in Gmail and Outlook
  • Inconsistent performance, previously working but now failing
  • Highly useful when functioning, but recent updates have caused troubles
  • Users express a strong desire for consistent reliability
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for HTMaiL: Insert HTML into Gmail, Outlook and Yahoo Mail on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.80
All time rating average: 4.17
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Rating filters

5 star
61% (22)
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11% (4)
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6% (2)
1 star
17% (6)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Gunita Maurīte
en worked for Gmail, good but you need to ad it manually for each email
Papa Leguas Delivery
pt Excelente extensão, deveria ser incluída no próprio Gmail nativamente.
Kiran Krishnadas
en I cant see the embed icon in outlook.
Patrick Madden
en It is a simple extension that works great and is a way better solution than the janky workaround I've been using for months.
en Is this not working anymore? I cant see the embed icon anymore, used to work on brave & chrome before :(
Nathalie Richter
pt Poxa vida será que vai parar de funcionar? Era tão boa essa extensão!!
Sara Vitória
pt funcionava até simplesmente parar de aparecer no gmail e outlook...
Isaias Nunes
pt A extensão não está mais aparecendo no meu Gmail. Continua habilitada no navegador, porém não abre ao escrever um novo email.
Matt Mcnee
en works flawlessly and intuitively
Tobi Franklin
en Tbh honest I didn't expect it to work that well...It's a good tool
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