Reviews of TabNotes

List of user reviews and ratings for TabNotes

Total ratings

4.36 (Rating count: 14)

Review summary

  • Useful for daily note taking
  • Simple, elegant, and beautiful design
  • Supports markdown
  • Great for saving ideas and code snippets
  • Default Ctrl+T shortcut cannot be disabled
  • Left side pane does not stay open automatically
  • Lack of color customization for code in dark mode
Most mentioned
  • Needs some improvements
  • Option to pin the sidebar
  • Markdown syntax issues
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.50
All time rating average: 4.36

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Josep Boncompe Moya
en markdown preview automatically? same as slack for instance
Billy Wilcosky
en This minimal notepad is perfect for saving ideas and code snippets as you surf the web. It has just enough features such as search, download, and dark mode. Plus, it supports markdown.
en please give option to pin sidebar, although the extension is awesome.
Arek Ɓuczyk
en A good idea but needs some improvements. Still Ctrl+T opens the extension and there's no possibility to turn it off and only use the icon if that's your preference. A left side pane doesn't stay open, you have to open it manually each time you open the extension. It would be nice it the editor could use the spellchecker built into the browser.
Rhythm Ruparelia
en Great extension and very useful for daily note taking. I faced one issue - The color of single line code (pink color) is not that visible in dark mode. It would be great if there is a higher contrast for it. Or if we can customize the colors from the extension options.
qingxin long
en seems really useful, however when the markdown syntax is blank for me.
Yao King
en how to disable default Ctrl+T keyboard shortcut? I only want to open it when I click the icon
Carlos Segura (neural_machine)
en I've been looking for a note taking the app for a while; certainly precisely what I needed. I love your idea of "seeing your notes on a new tab" My notes will not end up in the dark anymore. Amazing app!
en Loved it!! does what it claims, simple, elegant and beautiful. I use chrome all the time, and its very easy to just open a new tab and get a notepad to write and save things! Great job dev!!
John Advert
en Good job