Toy Games - Toy Recycling at Duckie Deck

Toy Games - Toy Recycling at Duckie Deck

Broken toys should be taken to pieces in order to be sorted and thrown into appropriate containers for metals, paper, and plastics.

Total ratings for Toy Games - Toy Recycling at Duckie Deck
3.00 (Rating count: 2)
See reviews for Toy Games - Toy Recycling at Duckie Deck on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for Toy Games - Toy Recycling at Duckie Deck
Recent rating average: 1.00
All time rating average: 3.00
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Connor Peckham
Connor Peckham
en if anything on the chrome game store has "duckie deck" in the thumbnail or title, it's very likely going to be a very bad app, parading as an educational game for kids. It just takes you to the game on an ad-congested website. It's very obvious that these games aren't for education, but for ad revenue. Don't use this rubbish. it also teaches your kids to break your toys and throw them away. a great habit your kids will gain a long-lasting benefit from: wasting other people's time and money.