Reviews of Image Resizer

List of user reviews and ratings for Image Resizer

Total ratings

4.00 (Rating count: 11)

Review summary

  • Very useful for resizing images according to site requirements.
  • Easy to use and integrates well with the Chrome interface.
  • Can crop and compress images effectively.
  • Images appear blurry after resizing.
  • Contains too many ads and tracking issues.
Most mentioned
  • Very useful application
  • Issues with image quality after resizing
  • Ads and tracking concerns
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Image Resizer on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.90
All time rating average: 4.00

Rating filters

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70% (7)
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20% (2)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Solo Travelers “Solo Travelers Tours” Tour
es Ha sido muy útil para nuestro trabajo, porque podemos cambiar todo el tiempo el tamaño de las imágenes, de acuerdo con las exigencias de cada sitio.
es Super util y practica, se integra al lado de la misma imagen y permite seleccionar que tamaño queremos, descarga super fácil, no tiene limite (hasta donde he visto) y tampoco marca de agua
Jonathan Holden
en So many cookies and tracking... don't install if you care about privacy
jay mand
en best
Виктор Дмитриевич
en awful extension, too many annoying ads
Studio Steel
en Nothing loads except a giant ad. Useless extension.
Máximo Martinez Horta
es muy util ésta aplicación
Michael Udofia
en Pictures appears very blur after it has been resized. You need to fix that. Though it's a nice and easy to use extension.
IBERION tatishvili
en Very helpful. With this extension I can crop images and it gets compressed as well. Thank you.
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