Ask Search for Chrome

Ask Search for Chrome

Ask Search for Chrome offers convenient browsing tools.

Total ratings for Ask Search for Chrome
4.20 (Rating count: 45)
User reviews summary
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • helped me with YouTube
  • practical
  • good for communication and searches
  • confusing
  • screwed up my Mac
  • some users unable to use certain apps
Most mentioned
  • practical
  • confusing
  • helped me with YouTube
  • screwed up my Mac
See reviews for Ask Search for Chrome on Chrome Web Store
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Recent reviews for Ask Search for Chrome
Recent rating average: 3.70
All time rating average: 4.20
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Rating filters
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57% (12)
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14% (3)
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10% (2)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Abner Wirtz
Abner Wirtz
en Hello, I hope you're having a splendid day! I am currently seeking opportunities to expand my business operations by investing in extensions with a significant user base, beginning from 50,000 users and up. No matter if your extension has a modest user base or counts its users in the millions, I am interested and ready to negotiate a purchase. If you are in possession of such an extension and looking to turn it into a profit, please consider reaching out to me. We can discuss the price and proceed with a transparent and secure transaction through a trusted escrow service based in the United States. It's great that Google allows the transfer of extension ownership between accounts, so your Google account ownership will remain intact. If you have any needs, please contact us via the following contacts Whatsapp: +1 (248) 896‑8035 Telegram:
Sanjay Sharma
Sanjay Sharma
en I like this extension, practical i coudnt open my YouTube properly before, but now it has helped me soo much!
szamamrriap zamarripa
szamamrriap zamarripa
bruh this do nothing
alain mikol
alain mikol
très excellente
2021-01-11 Luiz Carlos Pinto Correa muito confuso
Sueli canal queiroz rocco
Sueli canal queiroz rocco
eu quero que funciona o roblox pra as pesssoas a cessarem porfavor pq eu n consigo jogar o roblox
irmaos Games Peng
irmaos Games Peng
eu n consigo joga among fala continue e dps add no chome ai vai mas ta oq eu fasso? nd, eu n consigo jogar poxaaaaaaaaaaa, n gostei >:(
2021-01-02 Joelle Al-osman Also ich finde die Leute erzälen es super aber ich komme nicht rein
2020-12-30 Pedro junior venceslau Fragoso porque cria ferramentas que facilitam as comunicações e as buscas.
2020-12-28 Manuel Hernandez Sapien Que bien que existen este tipo de apoyos adicionales, nos facilitan rl integrar la estructura de equipos que se van necesitando, que nos permite mejorar la practica y ser mas efectivos en los resultados de atencion a amigos y demas personas que acuden a consulta y arreglos.Felicidades ¡¡¡¡¡
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