SecuryBrowse for Chrome™

SecuryBrowse - Secure Your Browser

Total ratings

3.00 (Rating count: 13)
See reviews for SecuryBrowse for Chrome™ on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.67
All time rating average: 3.00

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5 star
17% (1)
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83% (5)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Sarah K
en Phishing
Stanton McCandlish
en Bogus, dangerous, predatory extension. Should be removed from Chrome Web Store. This is not a security extension, it's a data harvester that is collecting your search information to sell to advertisers. It does nothing useful at all, and does nothing visible other than pretend that various search terms are "dangerous", which is moronic. Sorry, but Google and Bing cannot magically blow up your browser or infect your computer with viruses if you search for "download Youtube videos", which is what this nonsense claims. Another warning sign is that the main way people find this extension is being led here by domain hijackers that replace an old site with a pop-up saying you have the "option" of installing this, then refuse to take you to the real content until you do install in, then can't take you to the content anyway because it is long gone. Due to its deceptive nature, this extension is flat-out illegal in many jurisdictions, including California, Virginia, and all of the EU.
Chris Yu
en Waste of time, do not download this extension, it does literally nothing except extract data from your search history to sell to avertisers.
Val Gheller
en Waste of time, deceptive people. Will send you to yet another "required" extension. I'm reviewing and then removing this predatory and useless item! You should do the same.
wilmer jose Blanco
en nice
Steve B
en I would give it zero if I could. Deceptive company. Don't use their things. Disappointing that google would allow this in the store.