Wikipedia Lookup - Browser Action is a browser extension for Google Chrome designed to facilitate instant access to Wikipedia information about selected words on any webpage. Simply highlight the word and click the extension icon in your toolbar. The extension auto-detects the page's language and accesses the corresponding Wikipedia. Options to turn off language detection, change settings, and assign keyboard shortcuts are available. Despite a minor bug, it remains a valuable tool for quick and easy online research.
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WARNING: Wikipedia Lookup doesn't work on pages opened before the installation.
Select the word(s) you want to look up on Wikipedia, and click the icon in the toolbar.
By default, Wikipedia Lookup auto-detects the language of the page and loads the corresponding version of Wikipedia. You can turn this feature off in the options.
Inside the popup click the green corner to open the full version of Wikipedia in a new tab. It will load the first url you visited. It's a bug but I can't easily fix it.
To access the options, right-click the icon.
You can assign a keyboard shortcut to Wikipedia Lookup: chrome://extensions/shortcuts
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews.
Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate,
spammy, or outdated.
Can find more info on highlighted text without having to open new tab
Provides information on hyperlinked text
Wiktionary integration
Ability to lookup terms or concepts quickly
Does not pick the correct language for certain words or names
Does not have options to auto open in a new tab
The popup closes as soon as you click outside
No keyboard shortcut or context menu options
Text inside the popup is full size, limiting the amount of information you can scan without scrolling
Most mentioned
Popup feature
Ease of use
Want for context menu or keyboard shortcut
Recent reviews
It gets confused when you, say, want to Wiki a Japanese name that's on an ENGLISH webpage as is often the case with Anime stuff. It will open English Wikipedia instead of Japanese. Also I don't get the idea of having to click on the green corner to open it in a new tab ? Why isn't there an option just to auto open it in a new tab as soon as you click on the icon !
I never write chrome extension reviews but this is hands down the best extension I've ever downloaded and I use it more than any other extension (except maybe Power Thesaurus, but I have a few issues with that one)
I often have too many tabs open (ADHD baby), so being able to highlight something and find more info on it WITHOUT right clicking the "search google for ___" to open it in a new tab, but instead being able to have the info open without leaving the tab or website I'm currently on? Game-changing.
It's helpful both for specific knowledge (elaborating on a concept in an informative article) or just basic stuff like what a celebrity looks like and what show/movie I've seen them in.
I also appreciate that you can hold over hyperlinked text in the article and it'll still pop up the same info like it would in a normal wiki page. Wiktionary being incorporated into the extension is also a bonus.
10/10, highly recommend.
C'est évidemment une extension bien utile. Merci.
Ce que je regrette (: 4/5) c'est l'impossibilité de voir la langue active dans l'extension (sauf d'aller dans les options).