Chrome Extension Builder

Build Chrome Extensions with Ease and Style.

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5.00 (Rating count: 16)
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Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Shukla Vishwajeet
en Nice tool. does what it says it does and does it perfectly.
Bastian Leopold
en Great tool, it exceed my expectation.
Bakshi Gupta
en Chrome Extension Builder is an incredible resource for anyone looking to develop Chrome extensions quickly and efficiently. The ability to generate and configure files with ease is fantastic. The theme customization lets me tailor the workspace to my liking, and the integrated chatbot is a wonderful touch. This tool has saved me countless hours!
Nicolas Betty
en I love this.
Wei Chaoxiang
en I’m new to building Chrome extensions, and Chrome Extension Builder has made the process so much easier. The permissions generator and automated functions are incredibly user friendly. The integrated Code Mirror editor is a pleasure to work with.
Kiefer Maude
en Amazing.
Dhruv Gujarati
en Nice tool. The permissions generator is particularly useful, letting me select exactly what I need without hassle.
Bao Wàng
en I’ve use Chrome Extension Builder for a few projects now, and I’m impressed with how well it works. The editor is feature rich and easy to use, and the chatbot provides valuable assistance. The only downside is the lack of some advanced features for larger projects, but it’s perfect for smaller extensions and prototypes.
Adelhied Elke
en Chrome Extension Builder is a must have tool for any extension developer. The ability to inject automated functions and customize the theme makes the development process smooth and enjoyable.
Kasper George
en So nice. The advanced code editor is superb autocompletion and automatic language detection are huge time savers.
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