Daredevil. Matt Murdock

***ATTENZIONE*** la risoluzione dello schermo dev'essere 1600x900 per vedere bene l'immagine! *PLEASE NOTE* Resolution must be…

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4.40 (Rating count: 10)
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Recent rating average: 3.33
All time rating average: 4.40

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en nice
Angello Aguilar
en La imagen no es responsive(la imagen no es adaptable a cualquier tipo de pantalla). Estuve viendo los archivos css ruta cual encontre: ~theme/css/incognito_new_tab_theme.css?1552682521113~ html { background-attachment: fixed; background-color: rgba(255,255,255,1); background-position: center bottom; background-repeat: no-repeat; height: 100%; overflow: auto; } html[hascustombackground='true'] { background-image: url(chrome://theme/IDR_THEME_NTP_BACKGROUND?ogikackpjmddnjeclonjdgokmpbpjfbh); } html[bookmarkbarattached='true'] { background-size : 100% 100%; background-attachment : fixed } #attribution-img { content: url(chrome://theme/IDR_THEME_NTP_ATTRIBUTION?ogikackpjmddnjeclonjdgokmpbpjfbh); } Este seria la estilizacion adecuada espero lo arreglen , saludos
en his hair shows up twice in the top bar and doesn't line up with the image of his face