Socrative Teacher

Socrative Teacher Chrome App

Total ratings

4.64 (Rating count: 47)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Engaging for students
  • Easy to implement and use
  • Helps teachers check student understanding
  • Allows for collaboration and interactive learning
  • Intuitive interface
  • Lacks customer support
  • Recent updates have caused functionality issues
  • Limited features such as inability to add multimedia
  • Does not have the same engagement factor as other tools
Most mentioned
  • Great tool for classroom management
  • Students enjoy using it
  • Useful for assessments and tracking progress
  • Creative and engaging
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.50
All time rating average: 4.64
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Khalid Maghrabi
en excellent
Virayut Chaidinee
th เป็นโปรแกรมที่เป็นประโยชน์สำหรับครูในการบริหารจัดการชั้นเรียน
A Google user
en Really easy to just set the students on task. I can do some marking while they work. I can see where they need to improve on in my subject and my students love doing it.
Adam Carr
en Lacks the engagement factor of Peardeck and Kahoots. But, is great for a multiple choice final. Until, it stops letting you upload assessments from a template, and the 100% non existent support services leaves you having to re-plan your semester test. I used it for years to give finals until a recent update won't let me up-load my semester exam. I could have had a lot more patience, had their just been a way to ask somebody what was going on, but their "help" page is not designed to help, but to sell, no contact information is listed. I'm moving on to other tools and will stop recommending Socrative.
Елена Дегтярева
ru Супер! очень полезное приложение для проведения уроков
Emma Spade
en I love using this app in class. The students love it as well. Also I love the Dr. Who companions that pop up as example names.
ครูธีระ ไอทีการอาชีพปัตตานี
en good
Jeffrey Taylor
en This is so cool!
Debbie Matchett
en Very cool! Great way to check for student understanding without paper and pencil. Kids enjoy using it! Keeps students engaged.
Tim Rodman
en Some limitations but a great gaming experience for students to collaborate and work in teams while talking about the content you want them to learn. The Socratic component also allows for qualitative, guided discussion with this interactive component, creating a blended learning environment in the physical classroom and in the online classroom.
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