Editor for Docs, Sheets & Slides

View, edit and select the layout of Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides with an easy access via extension menu

Total ratings

4.68 (Rating count: 262)

Review summary

  • Easy access for creating documents
  • Works effectively and reliably
  • Highly convenient for users
  • User-friendly and simple to navigate
  • Great functionality with minimal issues
  • Occasionally doesn't open Sheets
  • Clutters Chrome with additional tabs
  • Breaks the spacing in Google Docs menu
  • No dark mode support
  • No option to choose the folder for document creation
Most mentioned
  • Convenience of access
  • Reliability of functionality
  • Issues with tab management
  • Desire for additional features (like dark mode and customizable icon)
  • Occasional glitches with Sheets
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Editor for Docs, Sheets & Slides on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.70
All time rating average: 4.68
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Rating filters

5 star
62% (34)
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29% (16)
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4% (2)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
yannick li
en good for people that are lazy
Meit Rendla
en Often the Sheets dont open. useless
Dario B.
en This extension breaks the way the spacing between items on Google Docs menu work (ie: the fonts menu). Also some of the buttons (ie: comment, edit, note floating buttons)
Ibrahim Shaheer
en love it
1Roso (1R0s0m8k)
en Opens a new "like" window, but without address bar. And there is no option to open and google sheet NOT in that specific window...
zh 请问文档如何保存在桌面啊?
Art Spark (Artem)
ru зачем открывает обычную вкладку в отдельном окне ? сразу неудобно. удалил
Ryland L
en Great works but can you add dark mode support?
Liron Barakiva
en Clutters your chrome browser with Home tabs whenever you close a Google doc, so I eventually removed it but may return using it when needed.
Rafaela Gonçalves
en Love the convenience! Works exactly as needed. nnOne wish - would like the browser icon to look different. As it is, Google Drive New Tab extension has the exact same icon.
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