Reviews of The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Theme

List of user reviews and ratings for The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Theme

Total ratings

4.29 (Rating count: 45)
See reviews for The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Theme on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.20
All time rating average: 4.29
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62% (8)
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
isaac tinoco
ms yess
en It's so cool, but it needs Peeta & Finnick
Benjamin Cormerais
fr juste génial
Yohana Torres
es me encanta
Teia Kornienko
en This is a great theme i have always loved the hunger games and now i can have it as my background! You should really get it.
Leticia Souza
pt perfeito <3
Isabella L
en It needs to have Finnick and Peeta. Like, they have Gale, Boggs, Messalla and all that, but they don't have two of the main characters?? It shows most of the squad 451, however Finnick was one of the first to be in the squad, yet they don't have him in the theme, and they don't have Peeta, a main character?? Please. Sorry if I offended anyone, but I am a true Hunger Games fan so I needed to rant.
Kateřina Mlčochová
cs Bylo by i dobré dát tam i Peetu nebo další obrázky z HUNGER GAMES. Děkuji.
charlotte davies
en hungergames rock
Beatriz Reis
pt muito bom
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