Checker Plus for Gmail™

Get notifications, read, listen to or delete emails without opening Gmail and easily manage multiple accounts.

Total ratings

4.65 (Rating count: 12,605)

Review summary

  • Alerts users to new emails with sound notifications
  • Allows preview and management of emails without opening Gmail
  • Customizable sound notifications
  • Integrates well with different browsers and platforms
  • Long-time user satisfaction and reliability noted by many
  • Issues with the extension reverting to default settings
  • Frequent disconnections requiring re-login to accounts
  • Notifications sometimes fail to disappear or update correctly
  • Glitches and crashes leading to poor performance
  • Inconsistencies with managing multiple accounts and deleting emails
Most mentioned
  • Reverting to default settings after updates
  • Disconnection issues requiring repeated logins
  • Notifications not functioning as expected
  • Overall convenience and effectiveness for managing emails
  • Custom sound notifications for alerts
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.80
All time rating average: 4.65
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Rating filters

5 star
67% (639)
4 star
8% (80)
3 star
8% (73)
2 star
6% (57)
1 star
11% (109)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Jane Johnston
en This is my favorite gmail checker. It alerts you to new emails with a chime sound. Just hover the pointer over the icon, and it gives you a preview. Click on it, and you can deal with your emails directly in the extension if you don't want to open gmail. It's been all around great and something that makes the internet easier.
uk Постійно переключається на автовиявлення акаунтів і підтягує купу мейлів. Ніякі налаштування не допомогли.
Ashley Budhan
en this works so well, I can easy check and read important emails without opening the Gmail app. 5/5
ja 2025/2/6の更新からか、一定時間ごとに初期設定に戻ってしまいます。 設定変更を行っても、しばらくすると初期設定に勝手に戻っています。 前バージョンでは問題なかったので、修正をお願いしたいです。
Julio Alves Vilela
en The Checker Plus for Gmail is the ultimate extension for managing emails without opening Gmail. Developed by Jason Savard, it offers unmatched convenience, speed, and customization.
Victorino D.G.
es La uso hace años.. una maravilla.
י. פל.
iw מוצלח מאוד! כדאי לתת [בהגדרות התוסף] הרשאה לחשבון, יותר נח ויותר אופציות.
Олег Евсеев
en I use it for not having to look at the mail for verification codes, etc. However, something happened recently after an update and the notifications stopped disappearing automatically. When I changed them to text notifications, they started sending sound with a 5s delay when the notification is already hiding.
Mark Grago
en It used to work like a champ. Now, every time I shut down my notebook and whatever browser I am in, I have to sign back in! Quite annoying!
ru Работает без нареканий!
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