Reviews of Kanban WIP for Trello

List of user reviews and ratings for Kanban WIP for Trello

Total ratings

4.39 (Rating count: 56)

Review summary

  • Simple and effective
  • Adds important features to Trello
  • Easy to use
  • Some issues with colour and visibility for colourblind users
  • Stopped working for some users
  • Doesn't work when the title size exceeds list width
Most mentioned
  • Simple and effective
  • Need to refresh Trello board after installation
  • Useful for Kanban method
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Kanban WIP for Trello on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.50
All time rating average: 4.39
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Rating filters

5 star
68% (17)
4 star
20% (5)
3 star
8% (2)
2 star
1 star
4% (1)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Chris Whitehead
en Simple and does exactly what it says it will do. I'd like to be able to choose different colours, this would help with my colourblind colleague for example, 5 stars once we can do that.
Mass Kent
en Love it. I had trouble initially since I hadn't refreshed the Trello board after installing the Plugin. Now it works like a charm. Thank you so much Nate for this wonderful feature.
Andy B
en Blooming marvellous. Works like a dream! (Note to other non-technical persons like myself: 1) it MUST go on the end of the name (which can include emojis). 2) If your trello board was open at time of installation, hit refresh!
Dani Barkelew
en Stopped working just recently. Hoping it gets fixed.
Skip Foster
en I love it. Exactly what I needed. Works as advertised. Thanks.
Thiago Malatesta Teixeira
en Very easy and very helpful
David Messem
en Simple and works well. The default colours aren't that great, so the ability to add custom colours would be great
king Vandit (VANDIT KING)
ko 단순하지만 아주 강력함.
en Is it possible to hide the number of the card limits from the title? It is a good extension and that would be a useful feature.
Thomas Michl
de Nach einigen Startschwierigkeiten funktioniert die Erweiterung Top. Tipp: sollte es Problem gegen - einfach Cache löschen, Browser neustarten und wunderbar.
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