Toggl Track: Productivity & Time Tracker

Puts a timer into any web tool and allows quick real time productivity tracking with all the data stored on your Toggl account

Total ratings

4.37 (Rating count: 1,545)

Review summary

  • Intuitive design and easy to use for simple time tracking
  • Good integration with Google Calendar and other applications like Asana
  • Comprehensive reporting and tagging features available in the free version
  • Useful for productivity and time management across various projects
  • Poor user interface and unattractive design
  • Bugs and glitches that affect functionality (e.g., timers not starting or being unreliable)
  • Removal of useful features without prior notice
  • Problems with integration and compatibility with other applications
  • Frequent crashes and performance issues reported after updates
Most mentioned
  • Issues with timer not starting or seemingly tracking incorrectly
  • Changes to the user interface that many found unhelpful or poorly thought out
  • Bugs introduced after recent updates
  • Removal of features that users relied on, like the tab feature and right-click options
  • Crashes and functionality issues impacting usability
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.40
All time rating average: 4.37
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14% (62)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Jeremy Ott
en Intuitive design with comprehensive reporting and tagging features available (even in the free version!). I'm not sure what others are complaining about when it comes to the web app functionality and UI. It took all of 3 minutes to master the tool, at least for simple time tracking on a daily basis. This may be a known bug or something unique to my corporate managed browser, but selecting the start time input field, clicking out of it, and selecting it again, before an activity has started tracking, results in the chrome extension modal flickering. The fix is to simply exit the modal and click back into the extension. Still loving this tool after ~4 months of regular use.
Diego Alexander
en One of the worst user interfaces I've ever seen! The dark pink color is difficult to look at and completely unattractive. Very strange branding. There is no option to change the color on the mac app or chrome extension making it virtually impossible to use. Super disappointed.
Michelle Shieh
en it starts to be weird recently (just this week). Even though the timezone setup is correct in my main toggle track (so if I open the web, it still shows the right one for what I have done for today), but in chrome extension, it moves something I did yesterday to today... while the total working hour for today is still correct (clearly a bug introduced in some recent update)...
Madhu Rajput
en really a great extension for productivity and since it can link with google calendar it also help in framing holiday plans the thing i like is that you can create time tracker for business related work and even for study siuu
Fel Wetzig
en Things were going well until the last update when they removed the tab feature that I use most without warning. When I reached out to support to find out what I could do--thinking there was a glitch or I'd messed up something in my settings, their reply was simply that they had removed that feature (despite the fact that instructions for accessing the tab were still included in their knowledge base, so I wasted a couple of hours also trying to troubleshoot it myself before reaching out).
Suyash Raut
en This is the WORST TOOL EVER! In the middle of watching something on Chrome, it suddenly opened a new tab to display its so-called 'new features.' Seriously? Did I ask for this? And why at such an inconvenient time? Are you so obsessed with your tool that you completely disregard what users are actually doing? If I could, I would give it a rating of negative infinity.
Sergei Bril
en Had to use this extension because support of app for linux has stopped. Works worse than the app in terms of UI and UX, many things looks weird but anyway, we have what we have After the last update it doesn't consider configs and reminds about idle time in 15 seconds even I set 300. It reminds to track time even I disabled this reminder completely.
ja ticktickとの連携でタイムエントリの先頭にXXXXXXXという文字列が勝手に挿入されてしまいます。 毎回手動で削除しております。 修正をお願い致します。
Ailish McCarthy
en Was always a bit tempermental but stopped working completely now. I've tried everything: setting up again, re-installing, resetting permissions etc. Nothing works
weirdal superfan
en Used to be great, hot garbage now. No more custom integrations, forcing me to use the little hovering button thing and highlight text to start tasks, because the context menu shortcut is broken and does absolutely nothing. Even so, for some reason the hovering button just straight up VANISHES 50% of the time when you click start/stop (and sometimes edit), forcing you to reload the page to get it back. Plus, if you set project in the desktop app while the task is running, when you stop the button it gets overwritten 90% of the time for some reason with whatever the default you set up was (even tho the default should rly just be there for when the timer initially starts...) - so you have to wait till you stop the task or start a new one and THEN always remember to manually set the project. The complete unreliability of this is so great that it makes me hesitate to start tasks. Tbh you're prolly better off copy-pasting into the desktop app. Honestly, not worth using Toggl anymore at this rate. The definition of ENSHITTIFICATION. Manifest v3 is partly to blame ofc, but the least Toggl could do is allow you to manually add integrations by adding/modifying the files if you sideload the extension. I tried that, using a custom integration I had that USED to work on the v2 version; but it made the webpage freeze after the buttons finished loading. And it seems they've stopped supporting login or something for the v2 version, so even if you try that version now, no dice. A real shame, because I always found myself singing Toggl's praises b/c of its extension.
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