Material Classic Blue Theme

A flat Classic Blue theme for Chrome.

Total ratings

4.11 (Rating count: 74)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Best looking classic blue theme for macOS
  • Simple and minimalist design
  • Brings back the original color scheme
  • Serves the purpose of distinguishing current tabs in Incognito mode
  • User appreciates the theme's aesthetic
  • Does not work in incognito mode as detailed
  • Looks outdated, reminiscent of older browser versions
  • Difficult to find current tab among multiple Incognito tabs
  • Titlebar buttons change to black with Chrome 67, which is undesirable
  • Extension not appearing in manage extensions list
Most mentioned
  • Does not work in incognito mode
  • Looks oldish
  • Best looking classic blue theme on macOS
  • Difficult to find current tab in Incognito mode
  • Simple and beautiful design
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.70
All time rating average: 4.11
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12% (3)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Thanh K
en I just installed it and it does not work in incognito mode as described.
dango roddor
en i cant find any info about windows 7 and incognito themes. help or ill sue your pets.
ray ham
en I just added this to chrome, but I notice I cannot find this extension in my manage extension list? If it's not there I can't remove it? Maybe it requires me to reboot chrome for it to appear?
mine master
en It looks the same with the older ui, however if this theme was the same baby blue from the beta google that would of been impressive
Michael Linneer
en Best looking classic blue theme I could find that works on macOS. All the others are not a flat blue but a gradient or just don't work at all on v71.
Mahesh Abnave (Mahesha999)
en It was very difficult to find my current tab in Incognito mode, for example to close it, or if I remember that 2nd tab (which I opened 5 minutes back) to right of current tab is what I had to read next. But then after spending some time on current tab, it becomes difficult to find current tab among several incognito tabs as color difference between current and other tabs in incognito is very less. This theme serves this purpose. But I somewhat dislike this theme. It makes chrome looks oldish. But thats the purpose of this theme (as it calls itslelf "classic") and I shouldnt be complaining. But still I will love to find theme which will normal / non incognito tabs color untouched (current blue is really bad oldish), and change only incognito windows tab's in the way this theme changes or possibly in same way (current tab and other tabs having better contrasting color) but in grey / black color. The reason I was looking for the chrome theme, is
Nehven Carvalho
en Absolutely awesome. Very simple, I think you should make more in other colors of this style.
Michael D
en Great job bringing back the original color scheme.
Bobby Phoenix
en The theme is great, but Chrome 67 makes titlebar buttons black on themes now, and that sucks.
Nicolas Van Overwalle
fr parfait
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