Marvel Doctor Strange

***ATTENZIONE*** la risoluzione dello schermo dev'essere 1600x900 per vedere bene l'immagine! *PLEASE NOTE* Resolution must be…

Total ratings

4.29 (Rating count: 123)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Awesome wallpaper design
  • Very nice and cool aesthetics
  • Popular theme among fans of Doctor Strange
  • Described as stylish and classy
  • Issues with image scaling and resolution
  • Some elements do not align correctly (e.g., head with face)
  • Difficulty in adjusting theme settings or removing the extension
  • Leaves white spaces on certain screen resolutions
Most mentioned
  • Image scaling and resolution issues
  • Alignment problems with the character's face
  • General praise for the wallpaper quality
See reviews for Marvel Doctor Strange on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.10
All time rating average: 4.29
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Christian Daguin
en There really should have been a resolution size noted... now I lost my previous Dr Strange that is no longer available... glad I saved that image though, so I can try creating a theme and use it. on a 1920x1200 screen res, this one leaves a lot of white space around the side and top. increasing the zoom to 125% will make it fit, but you LOSE a lot of space zoomed in. The image scale across the top toolbars does not match the scale of the image in the main browser window... also does not rescale with the stretching size of the browser window... sad! Using it until I can find a replacement or recreate theme of my own!
en like i dont know how to add resolution 1600 x 900 its just not in my display soo i basically want remove the extension but i cant ??? why?
Serenity Johnson
en the head did not line up with his face
Дар'я Щербак
uk Волосся змістилось відносно голови
Delgadillo Espinosa Esteban Alonso
es muy ExItAnTe
shiv kumar sharma
en I like Dr. strange and this is one of the hottest wallpapers of chrome i loved it
en the top of the head doesnt line up
Shiva Sidar
en I liked it very much try to resize the new tab using this theme
Tv K Bboy
en on the toooooop demais
kevin folino
en Too Small
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