
Providing data on students’ writing process and time spent on Google Docs to verify student effort.

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5.00 (Rating count: 5)
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All time rating average: 5.00

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Shanti Huang
en Aidify is a great, professionally designed extension that allows me to see how long I've worked on an assignment for, and track my productivity. It would be interesting if it could be extended to google slides, as well.
Karyl Vaughan
en This is groundbreaking! Now I can check to see how long all my students take (or waste their time) on any given Google Classroom Assignments >:) And it will download on your school laptops!
Nkechinyem Oduh
en Aidify is an incredibly helpful tool for ensuring accountability and responsibility from students, especially in regards to group work and projects. It's fast, accessible and user friendly.
Gowsi Thiru
en Adify offers teachers a powerful tool to gain deeper insight into students writing processes and allows teachers to track student progress over time. Insight into Writing Process: Adify provides valuable insights into students' writing processes, allowing teachers to understand how students approach writing tasks. Identifying Areas for Improvement: Adify can highlight areas where students may need additional support or instruction. Tracking Progress Over Time: With Adify, teachers can track students' writing progress over time. Overall a great tool!
Abbie Li
en Amazing! SO useful and easy to use. More people need to know about this!