TextAloud for Chrome

TextAloud Text To Speech for Chrome: Listen to selected text and web pages spoken aloud

Total ratings

4.23 (Rating count: 13)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Reads through web pages, word documents, and pdf files
  • Saves time and converts text to MP3
  • Has been consistently useful over many years
  • High-quality text-to-speech capabilities
  • Initially not working for some users
  • Lacks mobile application support
  • Difficulty with PDF files reading and buggy behavior
Most mentioned
  • Useful for reading various types of documents
  • Request for additional features like keyboard shortcuts and mobile app support
  • Software improvements over time
See reviews for TextAloud for Chrome on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.50
All time rating average: 4.23
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Rating filters

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55% (6)
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9% (1)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Senthil Sri
en I recommend this app for all busy people looking forward to reading lot of texts in a fast manner. This app reads through web pages, word documents and pdf files. It is a handy tool that I found easy to use and time saving. Moreover, you can have your text converted to mp3.
Michael Godek
en I have used this app for more than 5 years. Its great!
Andy B
en the cleanest best software to text to speech hands down, the desktop v is even better and it costs the same as others are charging per month, get it before they change their pricing
Alexandria Thompson
en NOT WORKING AT ALL! EDIT 10/08/19 whatever they did it fixed my issues with it not working at all! Thank you! Now... if only we could set a keyboard shortcut for reading highlighted text.
Noé Dávila Vargas
es Es excelente
nas sim
en please make this option in your extension : https://bit.ly/2DsefYW Thanks :)
Carlos Alberto Gomes
pt muito utio recomendo
Ben Tsao
en I used it since around 2010. You need to add good voices for good sound quality. I used it for English, Chinese, Japnese. I use it very often for email, web content, ... Request to add for mobile application.
Gagan Singh
en Works wonderfully. Allows me to efficiently go through ever-growing list of articles. Request: Please add keyboard shortcuts for pausing and resuming.
Diego Junquera Méndez
es Se echa en falta su limitación para lectura de archivos PDF, entre otros.
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