Night Mode

A simple dark theme that should come built into Chrome. Made to look great on Windows, OS X, Linux, and ChromeOS at all resolutions.

Total ratings

1.76 (Rating count: 50)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Gives a black background to the top navigation bar
  • The theme is visually appealing
  • No malware or threatening software detected
  • Does not darken web pages as advertised
  • Difficult to uninstall or remove
  • Users report feeling frustrated and confused about its functionality
Most mentioned
  • How to remove the extension/theme
  • It only darkens the bar at the top
  • Does not work as intended
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.90
All time rating average: 1.76
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Rating filters

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75% (15)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
en It only darkens the bar at the top. It does nothing to web pages. It is a theme so to turn it on you have to navigate into settings. Apparently once you turn it off it's gone and the only way to turn it back on is another visit to the Chrome web Store. I would uninstall it but it doesn't appear to be installed.
Yonas Taye
en how do you remove the extension
en how do you remove the extension
en It's just horrible
en In response to other user comments, note that this is a theme and not an extension. There's no button that allows you to turn it off / on. You can disable it by going to settings--appearance--theme and enabling one of the other options. I was then able to enable it again by going to its Chrome store page, where a message appeared at top of page asking me if I wanted to enable it. I'm giving it a 2 rating because it doesn't work as advertised. The white background and black text of sites I visit are still white background and black text. It only gives a black background to the top navigation bar, which is nice but doesn't do much to reduce eye fatigue like the night mode extensions for Firefox do.
en Honestly don't know what these reviews are all about, the theme itself is quite nice and it IS possible to remove it just like the way you remove any other chrome theme. No malware or stuff like that.
Иван Максимчук
en This theme works well, but if you want to remove it, you should open settings -> Appearance -> Themes and tap "Remove"
Jeff Renman
en I thought Google would regulate these creeps… What the hell. This probably really is threatening software so now were all screwed… Thanks for nothing Google
en i hate this i hate it a lot
Angelo Barera
en ho to remove thissss huhuhuhu plsss someone help me
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