Clean Dark Theme

A Chrome theme for the Windows 10 integration.

Total ratings

4.53 (Rating count: 15)
See reviews for Clean Dark Theme on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 4.53

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
en Scuffed, can't get rid of it either.
Owen Stokes
en Awesome, i was looking for a theme that made (nearly) everything dark and that cropped correctly, this one is perfect
Андрій Васильєв
uk Гарна мінімалістична тема)
Leif Fellague
en Excellent work! Just as it says, clean, dark, and much more - so why no comments? Let's fix that.... The theme works perfectly on both Windows AND ChromeOS (it's amazing how many have text/graphic alignment failures on one OS or other), so don't be fooled by the "Windows 10 integration" description; on Win10 it just has added bonus of picking up the theme color to surround the tabs (black on ChromeOS, which is fine). I prefer a dark theme and this is basically BLACK, so a win there. Critically, it provides excellent contrast between selected and non-selected tabs, even better with multiple selections (e.g., when shifting a selection of tabs to new window), while keeping ALL readable - this is a huge and consistent fail in most themes, including most from Google (which mystifies me). So don't be offput by the lame graphic logo and lack of feedback - this recent contribution is currently my theme of choice, accomplishing several things that I want. If you want a dark theme without distracting graphics, you should give it a try.