Learn Chinese - Ninchanese

Learn Mandarin Chinese with Ninchanese! Ninchanese is an effective, fun and free way to quickly progress and master Chinese

Total ratings

4.13 (Rating count: 15)
See reviews for Learn Chinese - Ninchanese on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.50
All time rating average: 4.13

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88% (7)
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13% (1)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Andrew Pedro
en was not working for me
A Google user
fr Très bonne expérience utilisateur de cette application. La facilité d'utilisation et la qualité de l'interaction et des leçons rend l'apprentissage de cette langue complexe très accessible. Et du coup, on en fait régulièrement :)
Maxime Croizer
en This app will make you learn and improve your chinese in a fun and efficient way, with games and different kind of exercises ! The speech recognition alone is worth a special mention :). Highly recommended !
Be Ku (thymaro)
en next generation Chinese learning app! I've been a beta tester for almost two years and it's still improving a lot.
Lucie Meresse
fr Excellent site d'apprentissage de la langue chinoise ! L'expression "c'est du chinois" ne fera bientôt plus partie de mon vocabulaire !
Sarah Aberman
en Fun and useful app! Love the design and the learning style, it makes improving my Chinese a lot of fun!
Mathieu Virbel (tito - txprog)
en That's just awesome!
Jean-Rémi Laisne
en Great app to learn Chinese!