Reviews of Video Dominator

List of user reviews and ratings for Video Dominator

Total ratings

4.69 (Rating count: 39)

Review summary

  • Fast and responsive video controls
  • Supports multiple video platforms
  • Frequent updates and good developer support
  • Highly recommended for video consumers and streamers
  • Customization options for interaction zones
  • Occasional video errors and black screens on certain sites
  • Inconsistent behavior for right-click functions on different operating systems
  • Lack of video bookmarking functionality
  • Doesn't work on certain popular platforms like Twitch and Pornhub
  • Some features like fullscreen toggle and video quality control are missing
Most mentioned
  • Request for better context menu control on different operating systems
  • Desire for video bookmarking functionality
  • Issues with video playback on certain websites
  • Need for customizable interaction zones
  • Requests for additional features like transparent overlay and fullscreen options
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.80
All time rating average: 4.69
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
en can you show subtitle in control mode and able to choose subtitle position
MadeInUSA Review0
en Add option for transparent overlay when mouse-over of your interaction zone layout, and ext will be perfect
Elijah Walker
en How do we toggle the video's Fullscreen instead custom player's full screen? Edit: Even without the requested feature, this is the smoothest video player mouse gesture extension I've used. It's fast and responsive, and the controls are easy to use.
Maxwell Wilson
en ▶ VERY useful extension - an immediate recommend to any online video consumer , superuser , streamer or presenter ! Also, the developer frequently updates and improves the extension, and is responsive to feedback, so that's very cool ! Thanks to InzkDev for all their hard work, considering supporting Patreon ! Some Notes; ▶ Automatic-detection-windowed-mode doesn't work with embedded videos (but workaround with this extension embed/mmakllanpalljimoilopbacgblobjdjc ) ▶ Video error occurs often on sites like, and only black screen is displayed. ▶Interaction Zones don't work unless divided with whole integer numbers. For Example a configuration with 5 columns, each with a value of 2.4 (which equals 12), should, but doesn't work (nothing happens when zones are clicked). Some Requests; ▶ Would love the ability to trigger some kind of "audio-only (blackout video) mode", for when listening to music and don't want to spend the resources loading the video. ▶ Not sure if it's possible, but it'd be great if we could have controls for video quality (raising, lowering, preferring lowest/highest et.)
Thiago Leal
en I've been using this extension for quite some time, but I have only one issue: I use Linux, and the behavior regarding the right-click is different from Windows. On Windows, the context menu opens only when you release the right mouse button. On Linux, the menu opens as soon as you press the right mouse button, which causes a problem when using the right button as activation key. Currently, I need to make a click, which opens the context menu, and a second click and press to be able to perform gestures like scrolling the mouse. I even created a User script in Tampermonkey to prevent the context menu from opening when I right-click on the video element, but I believe this is something that can be directly addressed by the extension. This is my only request to make the extension perfect! Thank you for your work!
Paul Edward
en Absolutely amazing extension. Dev, I would love to replace the multiple extensions I have for different video functionality/capabilities with Video Dominator and as far as I can tell, the only function it's missing that I rely pretty heavily on is video bookmarking. Video Speed Controller allows for one bookmark (or as it refers to the functionality, set one marker and the ability to jump to said marker with a customizable hotkeys/shortcuts). Video Bookmark Controller is, just as the name suggests, essentially perfect for this functionality except for the fact that the extension itself is buggy and I can't figure out what the rhyme or reason dictating whether it will work or not, because it's not simply a matter of the video being HTML5. It also sometimes doesn't remember previously set bookmarks on subsequent visits, but honestly that's not the end of the world. Is there any room for such functionality in your view for Video Dominator? If it's outside the scope of your intent for this extension, please don't hesitate to say so. Regardless, it's an exceptional extension. Cheers & THANK YOU! PS - it's more of a tacked on feature but another extension called "Transpose ▲▼ pitch ▹ speed ▹ loop for videos" also features multiple bookmarking functionality but as with Video Bookmark Controller, it's very hit or miss. If Video Speed Controller allowed for multiple markers, its implementation is the most reliable and seems to work on any HTML5 video whereas the others are very temperamental (I only mention these extensions by name so, in the event that you aren't opposed to adding such a function, you have reference points and possible code examples to work from ;-)
en all good, it also works on youtube,bilibili, spankbang not working on pornhub,, and most other html5 video players. helpful Tips from the author reminding the blacklist function: If you're using Tweaks for YouTube, you should disable Video Dominator on YouTube pages. This is very easy to do: in Popup > Filters, click the "Add YouTube to blacklist if you're using Tweaks For YouTube extension!" button.
en hello is this work to any streaming site example every next episode it exit to fullscreen I'm looking for extension that is global for any video player that have additional settings
Jorge Ratti
es /ENG; I didn't tested it yet but it kinda intrigues me to know what kind of new Tools they're going to add, just by looking into the images i definitely gives me motives for going in and try it's functions to it's fullest. It has much more freedom and so much potential admittedly of course, just keep sure to be constant and not abandon it like others did, cause there's plenty more of stuff to add. Regardless, thank you for creating this very interactive and useful extension! /ESP; No he probado la extensión todavía pero me tienta bastante saber que herramientas nuevas vayan añadir, pues con solo ver las imágenes ya me dan motivos para probar todas sus funciones al máximo. Tiene más libertad y mucho potencial eso hay que admitirlo, procuren ser constantes y no dejarlo como muchos lo han hecho, pues aun les queda mucho que implementar. En fin, muchas gracias por crear esta extensión tan llena de utilidad e interactividad!
Asim Ali
en Other Video Preferences Start Video in Custom Player:Window (Not working, when i try to run any video after page load it maximize to fullscreen custom player are showing and shortcuts working, when i exit fullscreen default player are showing and shortcuts not working i am giving you 5 stars because i am using your other extension tweak for youtube and i know you are going to fix it soon.)
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