Reviews of Doctor Who

List of user reviews and ratings for Doctor Who

Total ratings

3.74 (Rating count: 172)
See reviews for Doctor Who on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.30
All time rating average: 3.74
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
hugo rodrigues
fr on voit rien
Sabiha Sayeed
en It's a beautiful theme, but the only problem I faced is I can't read the labels on the tabs and bookmarks bar. This is a major issue which renders the theme virtually un-useable. Please change the font colour to white.
en it doesnt even fit the screen
Rita Schmid (She/hers)
en Repeat request-please make the font for the bookmarks bar and tabs easier to see. Love it otherwise!
Arthur Henrique
pt é bonito, mas não pega a tela inteira, além de ficar bem ruim o texto nas abas do navegador, realmente atrapalha
Jeleń General
en I really liked it but too much white spaces....
Knight Night3000
en The theme is beautiful, but the wording for gmail and the apps symbol in right hand top corner just below the bookmarks bar is impossible to see. A lighter font, or perhaps another color font would be really nice.
Leon Phifer
en It's a great theme but the bookmarks are hard to read with their current coloration and the theme itself doesn't adjsut it's size to fit whatever screen size is being used. I know zooming in is a possible solution but I shouldn't have to adjust my zoom to have it fit the space..
Alejandro García Martínez
es No se ajusta
Yuanting Soh
en too much white space at the sides, and letterings at top of web pages too dark
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