DocSend Extension

Quickly insert links to any of your DocSend documents or Spaces right inside Gmail

Total ratings

4.57 (Rating count: 21)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Great software for sharing files securely and getting detailed analytics back
  • Very easy to include documents with this extension
  • Accelerates fundraising cycles by providing important recipient insights
  • Generally leaves receivers of the documents satisfied
  • Powerful tool with a simple interface
  • Doesn't work effectively on Gmail, often requiring users to log in repeatedly
  • Slows down Gmail significantly, affecting overall performance
  • Recipients have issues forwarding documents easily
Most mentioned
  • Issues with Gmail integration
  • Performance slowdown in Gmail
  • Ease of use for sharing documents
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.10
All time rating average: 4.57
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5 star
73% (8)
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9% (1)
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1 star
18% (2)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Jorge Rios
en Doesn't work on Gmail. I click the button inside the email composer, and it just keeps telling me I have to be logged in even after I log in again and again.
Andrew Watson
en Slows down gmail to the point that it feels like I am back in the 90s on dial up. The minute I remove the extension everything is groovy again.
Matt Faraclas
en Great software for sharing files securely and getting detailed analytics back, also can be used as a VDR with their Spaces feature
Jake Heimark
en DocSend has significantly accelerated my fundraising cycle. Before I walk into a meeting or make a phone call, I know what is important to the person on the other side of the call. The per-user document sending via Gmail is a smooth and easy process. Great plugin.
en It's certainly a hell of a lot easier to include documents with this extension. I think the only issue may be difficulty with the people you are sending the documents to, that they can't forward it easily enough?
Andres Garcia (Andy!)
en i'm confident I am not using this to its FULLEST abilities. and yet... even so. its a very simple and POWERFUL tool.
Giuseppe Prisco
en Very good tool, and the receivers of the docs are also mostly happy about it. Thanks, Giuseppe
Daniel E. Villada (SOSEMPRESA)
es es excelente para saber que ha pasado con las propuestas comerciales que has enviado por email.
Eli Katz
en really useful and nifty tool.
Celeste Garijo
en Great tool to improve business emails ;)
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