Moqups · Mockups, Wireframes & Prototyping

The best HTML5 app for creating crisp mockups, wireframes & interactive prototypes.

Total ratings

3.94 (Rating count: 294)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use
  • Good for wireframing and mockups
  • Affordable for paid plans
  • Allows collaboration
  • Provides a trial to test features
  • Limited free version
  • Requires payment for important features
  • Not a true Chrome extension, but a web app
  • Errors and issues with app launching
  • Cannot save in free version
Most mentioned
  • Limited functionality of free version
  • Requires payment for exports and full features
  • Errors and issues with app launching or working
  • Not a true standalone app, functions more like a web link
  • Good user interface and usability when functional
See reviews for Moqups · Mockups, Wireframes & Prototyping on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.20
All time rating average: 3.94
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Rating filters

5 star
49% (34)
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9% (6)
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7% (5)
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6% (4)
1 star
30% (21)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
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Yaseen Burt
en Easy to use and affordable.
fr Gratuit pour 2 projets seulement, ça peut suffire à certains ou pour tester, à vous de voir.
Aleksei Kashkarov
ru Всё работает отлично! Ограничение 200 объектов... А потом 25$ в мес на 5 чел. Ну такое...
Anthony Cajamarca
es Es una buena opción para todas aquellas personas que deseen utilizar una herramienta que permita diseñar las UI de sus aplicaciones.
Stan Fad
ru Очень крутая софтина! До 300 объектов на бесплатный проект можно добавить одновременно
Yuriy Tim
ru не работает вообще
Владимир Григорьев
ru Приложение не запускается. Выходит 404 ошибка и все.
Scott Jacques
en Huge fan of this app for wireframing. Easy to use and suits my exact needs.
Tim Nizametdinov
en The Chrome app is useless as it displays the landing page only and after login opens a new Chrome tab where you will work. Therefore you cannot make it use as a standalone desktop app within its own place on a OS taskbar.
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