CSV Export for Trello

CSV export for trello board

Total ratings

4.74 (Rating count: 46)

Review summary

  • Quick installation and operation
  • No bloatware or unnecessary permissions
  • Ability to export to CSV easily
  • Works effectively, solving the user need without additional costs
  • Exports full data including custom fields
  • Does not export comments from cards
  • Lacks support for some text formats (e.g., Persian text)
  • Misses data on archived cards
Most mentioned
  • Exports data quickly and easily
  • Simple to use with no bloatware
  • Desire for the ability to export comments
  • Request for additional data fields to be exported
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.90
All time rating average: 4.74
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Rating filters

5 star
82% (23)
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18% (5)
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1 star
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Andrew Davidson
en Installs quick, works quick, no bloatware, no bs! Great to be able to 'backup' my Trello boards just in case!
Priscilla Frye
en Used this extension years ago. Wanted to download a board to Excel & couldn't find a way to do it free. Tried this and worked perfect (summer of 2023).
Anna Hopkins-Arnold
en Out of several extensions that claimed to export data from Trello, this was the ONLY one I could get to work. It was simple to use and successfully does what it claims. THANK YOU.
Anna Karenina Singson (Anna/Karen)
en Didn't include the checklists, but it's super helpful!!!
Avshu Mekayten
en This is a great extension! Works flawlessly and saves me so much time and effort. Thanks so much!
Project AM
en Works to get the current status of each card, lots of extensions on trello charging for the feature this extension provides many thanks :)
Justin Kon
en I downloaded three other apps that didn't work before finding this gem! Super easy to use and does exactly what I needed!
Андрей Захаров
ru Открыл доску трелло, нажал кнопку расширения и в загрузках лежит CSV со всей информацией, даже со сторонними дополнениями трелло. Отлично, спасибо!
Richard Hagan
en Does exactly what it says, instantly and without requiring any permissions. Absolutely perfect and highly recommended!
en Great extension. Would have to give it 6 out of 5 if it could export more data.
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