

Remove all color from the active page.

Total ratings for Desaturate
3.93 (Rating count: 15)
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All time rating average: 3.93
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Liv Lamberti
Liv Lamberti
I dont know why, But it wouldnt work. I am not going to blame the app though because I tried to download a lot of greyscale apps but none worke
2020-06-25 Alex B. Why is it not a toggle? It's turned on with one click, but turning it off again is only possible by reloading each and every page. Half-assed attempt!
2019-10-30 Евгений Козлов unix philosophy/single responsibility principle in the wild. Provides more universal flow than accessibility audit tools may provide.
Linards Jukmanis
Linards Jukmanis
It does what it says on the box, but if it can't be auto enabled on every page it loses it's usefulness - I don't want to click on it on every new page. For now, the grayscale bar on Dark Reader (which unforntunately doesn't grayscale images) will have to do.
2016-01-28 Adrian Toll Works well. I'd give five stars if the button toggled the desaturation rather than having to refresh the page.
Andrew Irino
Andrew Irino
Works as intended, but it would be more useful as a toggle than just an on switch, and if it remembered the pages on which it was applied.
Tucker Phillips
Tucker Phillips
Doesn't work on chrome store or chrome settings page???
hamid tarmazdi
hamid tarmazdi
nice and simple
Fabricio Quagliariello
Fabricio Quagliariello
Would be great to have a switch to enable/disable the desaturation. Sometimes it's hard to get to a certain page from within an application.
HY Zhang
HY Zhang
Works well with just one click. Can we make it auto enabled?
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