Breeze Dark

KDE Plasma 5 Breeze Dark Theme

Total ratings

4.67 (Rating count: 152)
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Recent rating average: 3.90
All time rating average: 4.67
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
es No se ve el texto de título en las pestañas no activas
Joshua Ferneding
en Very pretty but for some reason the font on non-focused tabs are still gray making it nearly impossible to read what I have open. Is this the case for anyone else?
Michael Sacco
en Matched my window decoration color perfectly!
Artur Kozioł
en Very nice theme. But text on tabs is almost invisible.
Habib Mustofa
en In latest chrome, inactive tab title not show correctly. Please fix.
Dustin Falgout
en Perfect!
Matthew McCollum
en Blends in perfectly with the rest of my system.
Sanjit Rath
en wow just perfect .. thank you
sL1pKn07 SpinFlo
es debe actualizarse. está desfasado, ya que hace mezcla entre el breeze ligth (normal) y el oscuro
BG Bruno
en the best "dark theme" for new "macos mojave" ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ it would be best create "light theme" with that "gray input bar"
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