Disney Mickey's Typing Adventure

Disney Mickey’s Typing Adventure teaches young students, grades 1 to 3, to type while taking an exciting and magical adventure.

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1.00 (Rating count: 4)
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.00
All time rating average: 1.00

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100% (3)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Tom Becker
en My wife and I paid for the 1-year subscription. When you login on any chromebook/chromebox, the application will not run. This is a rip off.
Connor Peckham
en it's even worse than pay-to-win, it's unlisted pay-to-play. it's also a bad app and is not worth any amount of money. Don't install this
Dawn Smith
en This is an app that you have to pay for it is not free. They need to say that up front.