Simple reading time

A simple extension that displays an estimated time to read the active tab

Simple Reading Time Chrome Extension

Simple Reading Time is a Chrome extension that displays an estimated time to read the active tab. It provides a customizable reading speed and label color, and is open source.
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Extension stats

By: sirdorius
Users: 135
Rating: 5.00
Version: 0.1.2 (Last updated: 2023-06-25)
Creation date: 2022-03-14
Risk impact: Low risk impact
Risk likelihood:
Manifest version: 3
  • storage
Size: 13.94K

Other platforms

Not available on Android
Not available on Firefox
Not available on Edge
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Extension summary

With so much content out there, it's often useful to know in advance how long reading a page is going to take you.

The estimate is unintrusive and displayed in the extension action area.

Reading speed can be customized in the options and the label color can be changed to match your browser theme.

The extension is open source:

User reviews

Works as advertised :)
by Hans Spooren, 2024-06-25

by Marco Veluscek, 2024-04-10
View all user reviews

Extension safety

Risk impact

Simple reading time requires very minimum permissions.

Risk likelihood

Simple reading time has earned a good reputation and can be trusted.

Upgrade to see risk analysis details

Similar extensions

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