Aidentified Sidecar

Prospecting on the go - discover the fastest path to your next opportunity

Total ratings

5.00 (Rating count: 10)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Provides quick access to data without needing to open the Aidentified app.
  • Saves time in researching sales prospects across various platforms.
  • Accurate data helps identify and reach key decision makers.
  • Integrates well with LinkedIn and corporate websites.
  • Insights are available while evaluating opportunities on different websites.
    Most mentioned
    • Invaluable for business and sales prospect research.
    • User-friendly interface that allows for quick information access.
    • Helps deepen relationships with clients and prospects.
    See reviews for Aidentified Sidecar on Chrome Web Store

    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 5.00
    All time rating average: 5.00

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    Date Author Rating Lang Comment
    David McPherson
    en We have found that the Sidecar extension is invaluable to our business as it allows our team to quickly access the vast amount of data in the Aidentified app without having to open it. We can quickly research a company when looking at their website, research a person when looking at their LinkedIn profile, and most importantly to our business, see the possible relationship paths our team may have to key decision makers at a company or to an individual.
    Dan Koch
    en This is a wonderful tool for saving time researching sales prospects in any industry!
    Kadungo Anbazhagan
    en Great tool for the Business Development teams to find their prospects info in LinkedIn and through their corporate websites. The data is so accurate that actually helps to reach the decision makers. We strongly recommend Aidentified.
    Adam Shapiro
    en Having this tool at my fingertips, without having to abandon what I'm working on, is immensely valuable to me. Thank you Aidentified!
    Victor Lund
    en Aidentified is a key piece of my business. I check up on everyone before I meet with them and Aidentified makes that very easy with the Chrome extension. I can easily find out detailed information about customers on Linkedin and Facebook. It has really helped me to deepen the relationships that I have with people in business. I hope that some day the sidecar from Aidentified will allow me to highlight any name on the internet and look them up.
    David Gilman
    en It's giving great results on every company I pull up.
    Ralph Schonenbach
    en This extension saves a lot of time as Aidentified's insights travel with me while I am evaluating opportunities on different websites.