Ken M Paster

Ken M Paster

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Total ratings for Ken M Paster
4.86 (Rating count: 21)
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All time rating average: 4.86
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
A man needs to accept that life isn't a fairy tale. No bear's bed is "just right" and you'll never find a cow that lays golden hot dogs
It needs more things to copy paste. It probably only cycles through 10-20 and that's about it. At least have 120+ He posts literally everyday, and his fans on reddit also stalk and post his followings. Please update.
cnin H
cnin H
planets probly only look tiny cause they're far away
Liam T. King
Liam T. King
most women can be driven to orgasm by hearing a bawdy tale that flies in the face of propriety
Luke Hardison
Luke Hardison
most restaurants have giant servings of spaghetti that only consist of a few noodles and that is how they rip off their customers
Jonathan Mesiano-Crookston
Jonathan Mesiano-Crookston
most identical twins are able to communicate via spoken telepathy - watch your back around these little mischief makers! :)
2015-11-11 Sven Deman the very cells in our brains were once the cells of planets, it makes us all related
Ryne Hager
Ryne Hager
um cells can't be destoryed, they just get recycled. The cells we're made of were once the cells of dinasasurs and before that they were the cells of a star etc
Evan Silverman
Evan Silverman
Winter forces us to ponder our own amortality. Is there life before death?
Ali Murray
Ali Murray
a proper diaper should be no shorter than 2 inches above the knees
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