FlyOrDie Gomoku

Multiplayer online Gomoku game. Play with friends or challenge a stranger.

Total ratings

3.27 (Rating count: 40)
See reviews for FlyOrDie Gomoku on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.00
All time rating average: 3.27

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
mirian matos oliveira
pt e uma porcaria esse jogo nem pega essa merda
Dreams Fulfilled Through Music
en It looks like it would have been great fun... HOWEVER... this game REQUIRES you to have Java 7.0! I am running Chrome on a Mac and for the time being the current version of Chrome for Mac OS X is only a 32-bit browser!! Chrome does not support Java 7 on Mac OS X. Java 7 runs only on 64-bit browsers and Chrome is a 32-bit browser. Maybe Google will release a 64-bit version of Chrome for Mac OS X in the near future!!
Lidiane Fracine
pt essa merda nem esta pegando :(
Lê Meowmeow
en too cool game :D
Reynardfoox Manager
en too bad game