
--- Update 8.31.11--- Changed the text color for the background tabs as requested. Thanks for downloading, guys! The image…

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3.29 (Rating count: 42)
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Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 3.29
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Isaac Oropeza
en It is terrible and doesn't fit my screen
Sandra Cooper
en Doesn't fit screen properly, leaves white edges and the rainbow lines don't lineup either. I would use it if it was fixed.
drexel walker (skunk)
en It's not bad at all! The tabs are a lil bit more black than I expected but it's no problem at all! It's really cool, the others didn't fit my screen, this one really gives off a nice vibe for me. <3 -DPS ^p^
Gameboss NKB
en looks nice but it dosent fit
en XD read the bookmarks on the picture of the theme!! XD XD XD
en Colaors are great, but it's not fantastic at all. It can be better. Work more with things like that and stuff ^^
Marissa Mendez
en like everyone is say it doesn't fit. Also the tabs area is black and not rainbow like the rest of the theme..
Esme Knowlton
en I just like rainbows :D
Ayana Curtis
en Its okay. I mean it's really bland and boring. So if the person who posted this theme would make it to where it fits the screen the best. Thank you.
Destinee W
en Doesn't fit screen properly, leaves white edges and the rainbow lines don't lineup either. I would use it if it was fixed.
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