Export for Trello

Export Trello Boards to Excel

Total ratings

4.39 (Rating count: 340)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Brilliant and simple way to export Trello boards
  • Lifesaver for getting data out of Trello quickly
  • Functioning well for users who need Excel exports
  • Works well for integration with tools like Power BI
  • Has issues with functionality (e.g., button disappearing, not launching)
  • Doesn't export attachments or complete information like checkboxes
  • Some users find it outdated compared to other export tools
Most mentioned
  • Functionality issues
  • Ease of use for exporting data
  • Limitations in the type of information exported
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.10
All time rating average: 4.39
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Rating filters

5 star
63% (143)
4 star
18% (41)
3 star
8% (18)
2 star
1% (3)
1 star
10% (22)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Alexandr Zaharia
en It was working till today. Now it not working. Button disappeared :(
Neil Lewis
en brilliant! The absolute simplest way by far to export Trello boards
masa56 Myoko
ja アクティビティログはこの拡張機能ではエクスポート項目に含まれていないようですが、実際に試してもアクティビティログは出力されたエクセルシート内に見つけられませんでした。 もしこの拡張機能でアクティビティログもエクスポートできるとご存知の方がいらっしゃいましたら、レビューいただければ幸いです。
ru Бессмысленно. CSV и TSV из Trello не делает. Вообще ничего не делает. А другие форматы Asana не принимает
Lacey Gawrych
en Lifesaver!
Marcus Vinicius
pt Funciona muito bem, recomendo para uso com Power BI.
Paulo Machado
pt Funcionou!
Ілля Поляков-Власенко
uk Зручно, логічно, дешево
Davi Khouri
en Sorry for the noob question, is there a way to export attachments?
Denise Rayman
en Quick way to get your stuff out of Trello!
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