Add a link to trello

This extension will let you add a link to a list on a board on Trello.

Total ratings

4.11 (Rating count: 9)
See reviews for Add a link to trello on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.83
All time rating average: 4.11

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Artemi Lebedev
en Invalid return_url
2019-02-07 A Google user Works great! Here's how to use it: After you install the extension, its icon will appear on the toolbar. Right click on it --> options --> click on 'You can generate one here' --> copy the generated key --> right click on the extensions icon again --> options --> now you have to paste the API key and select the board and list.
Sverker Brundin
en Worked fine for a while, but doesn't any more.
Ben Klaasen
en Spot on. Does exactly what I need. Thank you!
A Google user
en Excellent. Totally useful.
Cathy Booth
en Just what I was looking for to add a Trello card for a link from the current webpage. Marked down one star because I had to figure out the API bit - include guidance on how this and I'd put it at 5 stars.