Mahjong Games with High Scores

Play all the popular versions of Mahjong and compete with other Mahjong players from all around the globe.

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3.83 (Rating count: 29)
See reviews for Mahjong Games with High Scores on Chrome Web Store

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Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 3.83

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yuridsi parra
en cool games
Connor Peckham
en There are 2 major solitaire/mahjong/card game studios on the chrome game store: TreeCardGames and Battleline Studios LLC. They're both cloning solitaire and other card games literally hundreds of times, littering the chrome app store with trashy, oversaturated card games. Why do they do this? revenue. not to produce quality games, but to earn revenue with little effort. Basically, just look up solitaire or whatever on google and check out the first few results instead of installing a game that needs a login or is ad-riddled.
Ana María Araujo
es Me gusta mucho este juego, agiliza la mente Las fichas tienen un buen tamaño, se pueden ver sin dificultad.
Maria Peña
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