Shaana Blue Dream

Nice blue theme created by Shaana

Total ratings

4.28 (Rating count: 54)
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Recent rating average: 3.90
All time rating average: 4.28
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61% (14)
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Magno Lagos
es no me gusto par nada no se como sacarlo >:V
TNT Morales
es Esta bugeada totalmente
João Luiz Nonnenmacker
pt Eu acho awesome!
ru Очень нравится. Пользуюсь и не меняю.
en is a nice theme.The only thing that messes all themes of there full view, is the"TAB" BLOCKS as i call them right under the google Logo.Why dose google do that??? to annoy us and theirs nothing one can do.yes you can add the extension to get rid of it but thats not the point..Besides it not just gets rid of the block tab that many "HATE" But also makes the google small tabs(google search) and (I'm feeling Lucky).well sorry for the long post.But just expressing what i feel about google and the way they do things that people dont want.oTHER THEN THAT COOL THEME
Radosław Zalewski
en Good work. Do more of such themes.
Sen Sakurai
ru Это самая нормальная тема - симпатичная, глаза не устают, вкладки хорошо разделены и при том заголовки хорошо читаются, да и адресная строка явно выделяется среди кнопочек.
en Without logo, it would be perfect.
en beautiful. I would love to see this theme with a forest green look to it..
Leon Franke
en Reminds me of the good old Netscape-times....
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