Go Fish

The classic cardgame Go Fish. Ask your opponent for the cards you want, and hope that he doesn't tell you to go fish!

Total ratings

3.68 (Rating count: 19)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • smooth gameplay on Chromebooks
  • good AI that simulates playing against real people
  • fun and engaging card game
  • no freezing or crashing issues reported by multiple users
  • easy to learn and play
  • some users experienced freezing issues
  • game stops working after a while
  • AI makes unrealistic card requests
Most mentioned
  • smooth gameplay
  • AI performance
  • freezing issues
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.60
All time rating average: 3.68
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Rating filters

5 star
62% (8)
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23% (3)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Ipi Teun
nl leuke spelletjes
*insert creative username here*
en this is nothing like go fish and I hate this app why is it under the drawing category?
Empress Danielle
en i love it
A Google user
en Best go fish on chrome and only has glitch twice
Dorie Bec
en Nice "Go Fish" card card game with easy to follow rules. The AI is okay and asks you for cards that it "thinks" yo may have like a real person. Plays nice on my Chromebook. No problems to report here!
Hail Hofter
en Nice card game - easy to play. The game runs smoothly on my chromebook. Its like playing against real people. I learned to play very quickly.
Hezekiah Raven
en A fun game.. I think it is the best Go Fish game you can play on a chromebook
The Sci-fi Show
en This is a fun and very functional game. It has never freezes up or given me any problems. I like the artificial intelligence found in the game. I am giving this "go fish" game 5 stars because it is truly a fun game. I am playing this on a Chromebook, a C7, and it handles all of my work and play.
Satomi Berry
en My husband and I both enjoy this version of the "Go Fish" card games. The game does not freeze or have any problems on our Chromebooks. We have played for hours without any issues.
Daniel Berry - SelmaTeacher7 (Selmateacher)
en I play the game and it never has a problem. Nice card design. I like the AI. The cards are easy to move around. I am using an Acer Chromebook to play the game. It does not stress the CPU, or freeze EVER, even when watching a Netflix movie in a window next to my game. Can have a third window up, editing a MS Word Document in skydrive.. too... Real fun game to keep the mind active while doing other things! My children love playing this game too.
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