Cat Cat

Awesome cat themes for your chrome browser! Please rate this item because i need your feedback in order to improve future themes.…

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4.34 (Rating count: 68)
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Recent rating average: 4.40
All time rating average: 4.34
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Claudia Lemus Carreño
es Me gustaría que la nariz se viera mas nítida como los ojos
Lisa B (BamaLady0711)
en Not sure WHY but like every few months the theme disappears but still states it has been "added" when I do another search! Such a cool thing and BTW guys? If you click your zoom setting of about 67-80%? The cat face will fit on the screen just fine! I love the "wispy" look of the 3-D.... just way cool. Hate that the theme won't stay on my settings for some reason though! If anyone can help me understand that, please reply; otherwise, HISS HISS, Grrrrr, Hiss!
Ivonne Nájera
pt ¡¡¡ Fantástico !!!
Юліан Тарновеьций
ky гут
en I was drawn to the style of art you chose for this picture. I was looking to see if you did any other themes using the same style...I love kitties and have I have one but I'm more an outdoorsy type with a horse...wanna give it a try? In the meantime, yes, I have your cat as my theme. Thank you.
Thiago Rafael
pt Bonito, porem grande
Yero Gutierrez
es Lo amé!
diana hanas
en As soon as I saw it I knew I had to have it. Awesome job, one of my all time favorites!
Lora Cawkins
en I really like this theme and have been using it for a long time. I don't know how you did this but the cat is Awesome!!!!! My only concern is the color of the type in the tool bar since Google updated their interface. It's gray and hard to read against the gold. i love the gold, maybe make the type white? Please??
Heidi Everson
en Would love to see more of your themes. Like the uniqueness. Thank you.
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