Reviews of Open IE

List of user reviews and ratings for Open IE

Total ratings

3.17 (Rating count: 60)

Review summary

  • Useful for opening pages in Internet Explorer or Firefox instead of copying URLs manually
  • Simple and straightforward for users who need to switch browsers
  • The extension works as intended when the helper app is available and functional
  • Setup.exe is often not available for download, rendering the extension useless for many users
  • Multiple users reported that the extension doesn't work at all without the helper app
  • The extension requires too many clicks to operate, leading to user frustration
Most mentioned
  • The helper app (setup.exe) not being available or download errors
  • The extension not functioning properly for many users
  • The need for fewer clicks to launch the selected browser
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.00
All time rating average: 3.17
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Rating filters

5 star
31% (10)
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19% (6)
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9% (3)
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9% (3)
1 star
31% (10)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Nata Kalana
en It can't view CCTV video in chrome browser (cctv in browser need flash player), it only brings you to Edge browser. I don't understand why the extension is created. what's it use for?
charvis Phillips
en good App!
Acer Aspire
ru НЕ СКАЧИВАЕТ МОДУЛЬ setup.exe ,как не крути.Поэтому и НЕ работает! Ошибка: Ошибка сети
Yusuke Yamasaki
ja 便利でしたが現在はWindows用のsetup.exeが同梱されなくなり、入手手段がないため、実質利用不可能です。
Zach Mitchell
en Setup.exe is not available. Extension is currently useless.
Elias Laurell
en Does not work.
Женя Карташов
ru Не работает.
Tim Sparkles
en Works great. I wish that it required fewer clicks though. Currently I have to click the navbar icon, click the second menu item, then click a submenu item; or use the context menu, which also requires 3 clicks. Would be way better if * I could pick a default browser, and left-clicking the navbar icon once would launch it. * right clicking the navbar icon presented all enabled browsers in the top level menu. * the first navbar menu item was left out entirely, or moved to the bottom and renamed e.g. "View in store" just like the link in the Details pane in chrome://extensions/
Victor Mendonça
en Helper app cannot be downloaded and it seems developer it not proving support (see support tab).
Aki Ega (ABU)
ja シンプルでいいですね 贅沢言えば各ブラウザのPATH指定をできれば、 ポータブル版ブラウザにも使えますね。 【追記】 レジストリをちょこっといじってポータブル版にも対応できました。 汎用的で完璧です。
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