Rainbow Dash Custom 2

Another Rainbow Dash theme for chrome, taking requests @ my gmail account, which is the same username.

Total ratings

4.73 (Rating count: 11)
See reviews for Rainbow Dash Custom 2 on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.33
All time rating average: 4.73

Rating filters

5 star
67% (2)
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33% (1)
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
John Schmickenbarrel
en It's a pretty good theme, but I don't like two things: 1. The Active and Inactive color is the same exact thing, making it really hard to tell if it is Active or Inactive. 2. You can hardly see the menu buttons. The icons need to be darker, or make the whole theme darker. Overall, I give it a 6/10. PS: I think I want to ask for a photo of the wallpaper for it.
McKay Barney
en AWESOME!!!!!!
en My Favorite Theme Evar