Reviews of Rainbow Cursor for Google Docs

List of user reviews and ratings for Rainbow Cursor for Google Docs

Total ratings

3.58 (Rating count: 45)

Review summary

  • Cute design
  • Enhances document aesthetics
  • Helps visibility of cursor in documents
  • Easy to install
  • Does not work for many users
  • Limited color options
  • No customization options for the flag
  • Only functional in Google Docs
Most mentioned
  • Cursor does not change from white
  • Desire for more color options
  • Works only in Google Docs
  • Cute but limited design
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.80
All time rating average: 3.58
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Rating filters

5 star
35% (13)
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27% (10)
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16% (6)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Nicole Bencks
en anyone know how to use it?,i already installed it but i can't open it,but it seems nice tho
Cam Mcintosh
en i dont even have the extension yet
en super cute add-on! don't think there's more than the one gradient though... maybe there is and I'm just stupid... but I love this!
en its very cute, it doesnt make massive differences to ur document, but its noticible and cute
Caleb Morris
en It doesn't work. My cursor is still white. I downloaded this app because my cursor turns white in a google doc and it's super annoying. But the cursor is still white. The extension created no change whatsoever. Complete waste of time.
en I like it but it would be great if i could change the colors and change how blod you can see the colors bc i can barely see it
Lotje Kremer
en it works fine for me but i cant change the flag itself its stuck on the bisexual flag :(
en Not too sure how to change it, but I am bisexual and the cursor it automatically gave me was the bisexual colors, so I'm fine with that.
Elizabeth J.
en Kind of wish It had more color options. I love using it, I some time hard to see the cursor when writing a document the color helps a lot when I space out on assignments.
Ana Maria Vallejo Pedraza
es Solo funciona el Google, pero me gustarĂ­a que existieran mas colores
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