Reviews of Notes: Keep Sticky Thoughts in Google Drive

List of user reviews and ratings for Notes: Keep Sticky Thoughts in Google Drive

Total ratings

4.67 (Rating count: 1,033)

Review summary

  • Very convenient and user-friendly
  • Useful for taking quick notes
  • Works well with Google Drive
  • Simple and effective interface
  • Allows for easy creation of Google Docs
  • Frequent sign-in required
  • Lack of keyboard shortcuts for quicker access
  • Limited formatting options for notes
  • Inability to use the extension on Microsoft Edge
Most mentioned
  • Need to sign in repeatedly
  • Convenience of taking notes
  • Desire for keyboard shortcuts
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Notes: Keep Sticky Thoughts in Google Drive on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.60
All time rating average: 4.67
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Rating filters

5 star
75% (375)
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14% (70)
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4% (18)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
William Florence
en Had to keep clicking the extension repeatedly, and it wouldn't start. Had to keep clicking on the sign in with google button, it would start. Had to sign in every time I started up the extension. Eventually, it would take my password.
Javier Gonzalez-Quijano Alvarez
es Muy útil, simple pero eficaz. Aunque tengo unas sugerencias que sería muy útiles. 1. poner un link al documento de google drive en el nombre del archivo 2. permitir poner hiperenlaces en las tareas
Wrennie Carter
en If I could give this a extension a 10 I would.
Rene Contreras
en Very Useful
Andres David Moreno Galindo
es Simple y muy util
en very convenient
Md. Shazzak Hossain
en Best and handy.
Ansel Franklin
en Very good extension, I use it for taking notes in math class, creating docs quickly is really useful!
Eddy Kenogo
en Very good and easy to use, just wish there was a shortcut to open it faster
William Myrl
en Tried a lot of note apps. This is by far the most straightforward and convenient. Kudos to the creators.
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