XlsWork XLS editor for spreadsheets

Create and edit XLS spreadsheets with an editor online

Total ratings

3.68 (Rating count: 31)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use
  • User-friendly interface
  • Good for basic spreadsheet editing
  • Cannot open files from cloud storage or Chromebooks
  • Difficulty in retrieving work after logging out
  • Limited functionality compared to other online tools like Google Sheets
  • Frequent pop-up ads
Most mentioned
  • Cannot find work after logging out
  • Can only edit spreadsheets created in the app
  • Issues with ads and account access
See reviews for XlsWork XLS editor for spreadsheets on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.88
All time rating average: 3.68

Rating filters

5 star
25% (2)
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13% (1)
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25% (2)
2 star
1 star
38% (3)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Beto Lima
pt Muito complicado, sem boa comunicação com usuário, depois de muita enrolada, ainda se tem que esperar 30 segundos! Fiz só dois testes, mas, não tenho paciência para ver como isso funciona! Se funciona!
caua machado 51
pt se eu quiser um online tem o google planilhas que é muito melhor, este não aceita csv
Julio Cesar Valdez Morales
en Good Morning. ay speake xml most xmls.,Edhitions forex This most BERY GOOD., How Entherprice, Molls Persons And Big Molls City in Country That Page is very good
Martin Vella
en it was ok when i logged out could not find my work
Sherry Nielsen
en It was all good and dandy but once I got locked out of an account could not find it again. not cool.
Ana Carpio
pt Excelente..
Jeff Vosburgh
en Can only edit spreadsheets you create in the app. Can't open a file on your chromebook or any cloud storage site
Juan Luis A
en ok